Monday, June 29, 2009

A Picture Perfect Day

Today was a fantastic day centered around the long planned helicopter photo shoot. Eight Island Packets headed out to Point Judith departing from Watch Hill promptly at 7:30. We arrived around 11:30 and greeted Cats Paw with a cannon blast. We arrived in time for everyone to have a leisurely lunch before rendezvousing for the photo shoot. We headed out around 12:15 and Mark arrived with the photographer around 1PM. Everything went picture perfect and we have over 500 photo's to memorialize the day. This is a video of our quiet ride to Dutch Harbor on Jamestown Island to have dinner with the gang. We spent the night at Dutch Harbor on a mooring provided by Catspaw and Thiller the cat.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday at Watch Hill

What a day a dingy makes! We spent our day testing the power of the dingy. Alaine tested her driving skills and it was fun to have wet bottoms -- thank goodness our clothes were quick to dry. Today was a day to find the Verizon store in Westerly and to our 'surprise' it was closed - go figure. So, we went to pick up a few additional provisions and motored back to Watch Hill. We walked around Watch Hill and went to the lighthouse and then spent some time admiring the merry go-around.

Alaine showed her bartending skills and made coffee martini's for us - what a wonderful dessert. I think we are hooked. The whole gang got together on the IP40 Surprise and outlined the plan for tomorrow's photo shoot at Point Judith. We depart on Monday at 7:30 AM and head for that destination. Not quite sure what the specific plans are after the photo shoot and hope we will head off to Newport for a wonderful dinner there on Monday night.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Starting Our Maine Voyage

We started our day with breakfast at the Marlborough Family Bakery and a great conversation with Georgette Goodale (owner of Marlborough Bakery). We met Alaine (Jim's daughter) at Pier 65 who is joining us for the 3 weeks. The boat is stocked, the tanks are full and we motored from Pier 65 to Watch Hill to rendezvous with 6 IP's from the south. The plan for tomorrow is to simply relax, walk into town and do absolutely nothing. We will all venture out on Monday to head to Port Judith where we will meet with other IP's for a helicopter aerial photo opt.

Dinner tonight was catered by Georgette and consisted of grilled chicken, bow tie pasta and wheat bread topped off by wine.

It is so much fun to see old friends and meet new friends and we are looking forward to great adventures over the next few weeks.