Friday, June 13, 2008


Because Wind Runner chose not make the formal starting location, Toby visited the boat yesterday in Westerly to inspect. Being a few days early, several items on the punch list were still open, and Toby found them all. But by departure, Wind Runner will have all the required gear, properly operating and stowed for the offshore passage to Bermuda and back.

While at the boat Toby also did Wind Runner a great favor! Toby went up the mast to install the spinnaker halyard block, and thread the spinnaker halyard down the mast. The sentinel worked, although there were a couple of tense moments when the halyard stuttered. It had to be jiggled up and down to free it and keep it coming.

Now, we only hope UPS doesn't stutter. The new spinnaker is supposed to arrive today, the last business day available before we are out of range of Brown! Superstitious souls might be wondering about the day and date. Friday and thirteen. It is good that none of the sailors on Wind Runner are superstitious.


Anonymous said...

Lots of luck. We might see you if we get south this summer.

Hayden said...

Fair winds and smooth sailing to the crew of Wind Runner! This will be a passage you will always remember. Please post reports often - we will be waiting for your news!
Love and hugs,
Radeen and Hayden
IP35 Island Spirit