Tuesday, June 17, 2008


A round of watches has been completed. Day watches are solo, three hours on, nine hours off. Night watches will be tandem, three hours on, three hours off.

The boat is moving very well. A mixture of mostly sailing with a variety of sail plans and a bit of motorsailing. Our hope is to keep speed up until we burn about a quarter of our fuel, then do some calculations and begin managing fuel carefully. If we get into the east wall of the warm eddy that our weather consultants are heading us to, we may not need to manage fuel much at all, except for considering the cost of it in Bermuda.

Vanessa and Craig saw a fin, but the fish it was attached to was not identified. The fin was longish and thin. A tuna?

Dinner tonight was Georgette's Stew. It was fantastic.

23:14:36 GMT
39° 52.93' N
70° 58.68' W

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're doing great!!! Looking forward to your next post and to hear how the first night out went. Have fun and BE SAFE! Smooth sailing, my friends.