18:29:49 GMT
40° 23.22' N
71° 14.53' W
Jim is on watch, sailing us along at about 7 knots SOG, 50 degrees AWA, in four foot seas, with full dress of genoa, staysail and main. The sun is shining. Not a cloud in the sky.
Wind Runner is an Island Packet 420, hailing from Westerly, Rhode Island. This blog was first established to chronicle the adventure of sailing to Bermuda and back in the 2008 Bermuda Cruising Rally. The blog has been continued to capture the sailing adventures of Jim and Vanessa.
You guys have a little over an 11 mile lead right now. Not that anyone is tracking that information.
Great website, keep up the posts, we are routing for you and good Luck, Rick Traskos
Gee, Wind Runner is always out front! Dad!You are not in a race! relax. Hey, Jeff said no problem! Noumenon will be wet soon. -Alaine
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