Tuesday, June 17, 2008


10:59:09 GMT
41° 05.49' N
71° 36.83' W

We started the engine at 0500. Drove to Champlins for water. Had our first MOB drill, saving a fender that the dock wanted.

Once out of The Great Salt Pond, we put the main up. Minutes later we put the genoa out and stopped the engine. Then the staysail came out. We are making 5 knots Boat Speed and SOG in about 10 knots true wind speed. It is expected we will be able to carry full dress for several days.

Debbie is on her first watch, having come on at 0600.


Anonymous said...

Have a great ride! We'll be watching the entire trip.

Kerry said...

So fun to watch your journey on this great blog! We are so excited for you all and hope the trip is safe! Bon Voyage! Kerry & Harcourt

Jim2 said...

Bon voyage, guys and gals!

Have a great journey. We will track your progress every day.

Jim and Sue